Mohammad Arif Bin Abdul Hamid (阿里夫) was first introduced to horse racing by a family friend who noticed his built was a perfect size for a career in the saddle.

At the age of 19, Penang born Arif joined the stables of Trainer Lim Hoon Seng at the Penang Turf Club as a syce and soon climbed up the ladder to become a track rider. During that time, Trainer Lim’s ‘B’ Trainer, HY Cheng applied for Trainer ‘A’ license and upon approval by the Malayan Racing Association, he moved to Kuala Lumpur and established his stable operations at the Selangor Turf Club (SLTC).

Admiring Arif’s hard-work, attitude, determination and his sense of responsibility towards Lim’s stable in Penang, HY Cheng offered Arif to join his stable at SLTC.  Arif’s move from Penang to Kuala Lumpur was quite timely as in January 2020, the Selangor Turf Club formed the SLTC Apprentice School. Arif was a pioneer in the first group of Pre-apprentices to join the SLTC Apprentice School, along with M Ekdihar, I Fikri and S Shazmin.  

It took 2 years and 5 months for Arif to become a qualified Apprentice after 43 satisfying trial rides, long hours of practice on the E-kuda and learning various modules to begin his life as a jockey.
With the approval of the SLTC Committee, 24 years old Arif is the latest Pre-Apprentice to graduate from the SLTC Apprentice School and has been licensed as an Apprentice Jockey until year end.


26 岁 Malaysian. 体重 : 50kg Career wins : 0

Year 1st % 2nd % 3rd % 4th % Unplaced % Total Runners Total Prize Money
2023 - - - - - - 1 16.67% 5 83.33% 6 -
2022 - - 1 5% 3 15% 4 20% 12 60% 20 -


場次 马名 日期 马会 阶级 赛道 途程 场地 评分 马匹体重 排位 沿途走位 排名 派彩 头马距离 夺标时速 冠军/亚军 配备 驮重 练马师 视频
141 夜光 05/02/2023 K 5a T 1400 [lc-A4] G 35 539 4 2-2-4 4/9 72 5 ½ 1:24.59 诺雅因子 SP 55.0 钟汉洋 Watch
107 金匠 29/01/2023 K 5b T 1250 [lc-A] Y 30 591 4 11-11-7 7/11 96 6 ½ 1:16.90 诺雅冲锋 SP, BP 57.5 钟汉洋 Watch
84 夜光 23/01/2023 K 5a T 1250 [sc-A] Y 37 537 11 8-8-6 6/11 90 5 ½ 1:17.73 操作员 SP 56.0 钟汉洋 Watch
82 北辰 23/01/2023 K 4b T 1100 [sc-A] Y 44 496 13 11-11-9 9/11 436 6 ¾ 1:05.77 好来厉帅 SB, BP 55.0 钟汉洋 Watch
61 的庐马 15/01/2023 K O NOV T 1300 [sc-E] Y 40 488 3 4-4-5 5/10 0 2 ¾ 1:24.02 欧盛快车 - 56.5 钟汉洋 Watch
T3 石破天惊 03/01/2023 K - T 1000 - 65 - - - 5/7 0 2 1.02.37 手气好 - 钟汉洋 Watch
4 威廉金 01/01/2023 K 5a T 1075 [Ⅱ] G 36 519 3 9-9-6 6/10 196 5 ½ 1:05.24 我的钱 B 56.0 钟汉洋 Watch
1453 夜光 31/12/2022 K OP M T 1175 [Ⅱ] G 37 536 6 5-5-3 3/10 617 3 ¾ 1:11.07 神奇六一 SP 57.5 钟汉洋 Watch
1456 同花顺 31/12/2022 K 5a T 1075 [Ⅱ] G 37 - 5 6-5-4 4/10 80 6 ½ 1:04.80 骐骥之星 SB, WK, XNB 56.5 钟汉洋 Watch
1424 韦特利 11/12/2022 K CCL23 T 1200 [lc-A4] Y 66 513 3 8-8-9 9/11 1171 10 ¾ 1:14.39 金英 SB, B 52.0 钟汉洋 Watch
T3 北京之星 06/12/2022 K - T 1000 - 38 - - - 1/5 0 - 1.01.20 王者之师 - - 钟汉洋 Watch
T2 韩深博 06/12/2022 K - T 1000 - 54 - - - 2/5 0 6.5 1.00.90 博尔根 - - 钟汉洋 Watch
1408 三军统帅 04/12/2022 K 5a T 1300 [sc-A] Y 43 458 7 6-6-6 6/10 56 3 ¼ 1:18.57 阿里夫 SP, EM, BP 59.0 钟汉洋 Watch
1404 夜光 03/12/2022 K OP M T 1100 [sc-A] Y 37 545 1 9-9-8 8/10 529 6 ¼ 1:06.54 弄潮儿 SP 57.5 钟汉洋 Watch
1381 三军统帅 26/11/2022 K 5a T 1275 [Ⅱ] G 43 456 12 6-6-2 2/10 604 2 1:18.19 最佳品牌 SP, EM, BP 59.0 钟汉洋 Watch
T2 威廉金 22/11/2022 K - T 1000 - 36 - - - 8/8 0 14.5 1.01.60 星愿 - 钟汉洋 Watch
1359 20/11/2022 K OP M T 1200 [sc-C4] Y 43 498 3 9-9-8 8/10 41 11 ¼ 1:13.88 SB, BP 57.5 Watch
1320 帝王战将 13/11/2022 K 5-b T 1200 [lc-A] Y 22 486 8 10-9-6 6/11 862 7 ¼ 1:14.41 明捷 TT, P 53.0 钟汉洋 Watch
1328 三军统帅 13/11/2022 K 4-b T 1100 [sc-A] Y 45 462 7 9-9-10 10/11 932 11 ¼ 1:07.75 铁布衫 SP, EM, BP 55.5 钟汉洋 Watch
T4 诺雅神鹰 08/11/2022 K - T 1000 - 68 - - - 3/6 0 10.5 1.00.20 金枪沙丁 - - 钟汉洋 Watch
T1 壮志雄心 08/11/2022 K - T 1000 - 26 - - - 7/7 0 15.5 1.01.20 王者之师 - 钟汉洋 Watch
1282 传奇之战 30/10/2022 K CCL23 T 1100 [sc-E] - 62 503 7 9-9-4 4/9 111 12 ¾ 1:09.77 拿云捉月 SP, SB 52.0 钟汉洋 Watch
1280 北辰 30/10/2022 K 4b T 1400 [lc-E] - 44 501 10 7-7-4 4/10 58 16 1:29.66 秀手牌 SB, BP 54.5 钟汉洋 Watch
T4 北京之星 18/10/2022 K - T 1000 - 38 - - - 3/8 0 75 1.00.90 克罗 - - 钟汉洋 Watch
T1 举世无双 18/10/2022 K - T 1000 - 56 - - - 1/8 0 - 1.00.80 海王 - - 钟汉洋 Watch
1220 零零七 16/10/2022 K OP M T 1200 [sc-A] G 40 445 6 6-6-3 3/10 116 4 ¼ 1:11.54 獅子王 - 57.5 钟汉洋 Watch
1204 壮志雄心 15/10/2022 K 5-B T 1300 [lc-A] G 28 541 4 11-11-10 10/11 523 9 ¼ 1:19.03 精英大师 SP 55.5 钟汉洋 Watch
1207 北辰 15/10/2022 K 4-B T 1400 [lc-A] G 45 503 1 11-11-4 4/11 88 5 ½ 1:23.54 H ARIF* c4 BP 56.0 钟汉洋 Watch
T6 反弹力 04/10/2022 K - T 1000 - 29 - - - 5/7 0 5 1.00.15 金杯 - 钟汉洋 Watch
T10 帝王战将 04/10/2022 K - T 1000 - 24 - - - 3/6 0 15.5 1.00.22 明捷 - - 钟汉洋 Watch
T4 金枪女王 04/10/2022 K - T 1000 - 57 - - - 1/8 0 - 1.00.03 龙隐 - - 钟汉洋 Watch
1138 三军统帅 25/09/2022 K 4-B T 1175 [Ⅱ] Y 47 462 6 7-8-8 8/10 322 11 1:11.77 明星达人 EM, BP 56.0 钟汉洋 Watch
1078 同利多 11/09/2022 K 4-A T 1700 [lc-A] G 52 481 2 7-7-7 7/11 487 6 ½ 1:44.90 伊斯法罕 B, SB 54.5 钟汉洋 Watch
1079 一飞冲天 11/09/2022 K 3 T 1400 [lc-A] G 62 589 2 2-2-3 3/11 44 2 ¾ 1:23.51 德利将军 SB 54.0 钟汉洋 Watch
1069 壮志雄心 10/09/2022 K OP M T 1500 [sc-A] G 32 551 2 10-10-6 6/10 1153 7 ¾ 1:32.18 H ARIF* c4 SP 58.0 钟汉洋 Watch
1014 同花顺 28/08/2022 K 5-B T 1100 [sc-C4] Y 34 455 14 10-10-9 9/10 121 14 1:08.32 罗平 SB, WK, XNB 58.5 钟汉洋 Watch
968 性能卓越 20/08/2022 K 4-B T 1100 [sc-C6] G 44 562 2 0-0-DNF DNF 17 - - 高水 BP, EM, SP 54 钟汉洋 Watch