MRA Brand: M216 Dam: TAMARA (AUS)
Date Foaled: 07-11-2018 Owner: RC
Rating: 78 Trainer: S ELLIS
Prize Money
Current Year : -
Total : -
Veterinary Record

17.3.24 – Return lame off fore (grade 3)

Start 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Unplaced
8 3 2 1 1 1

Horse Performance by Distance

By Going Start 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Unplaced
Good 5 1 1 1 1 1
Yielding 1 0 1 0 0 0
Total Start 6 1 2 1 1 1
By Venue Start 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Unplaced
Selangor (sc) 1200 5 3 0 1 1 0
1300 2 0 2 0 0 0
SC Total 7 3 2 1 1 0
Selangor (lc) 1400 1 0 0 0 0 1
LC Total 1 0 0 0 0 1
Grand Total Start 8 3 2 1 1 1
By Year Start 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Unplaced
2024 4 1 1 1 0 1
2023 4 2 1 0 1 0
Total Start 8 3 2 1 1 1

TF No. Date V CL T Dist G Rtg H.Wt Bar Running
PL Div LBW Finish
Prize $ Winning/
Second Horse
Gears Jockey C.Wt Act
T1 16/07/24 K - T 1000 G 78 - - - 3/6 0 0.5 0.58.71 - STREETS OF FIRE B S RUZAINI - - S ELLIS Watch
612 23/06/24 K SUP B T 1300 [sc-A] G 77 472 4 3-3-2 2/10 126 ½ 1:16.58 7560 PASIR PINJI SB S RUZAINI 56.5 56.8 S ELLIS Watch
T1 05/06/24 K - T 1000 Y 77 - - - 5/7 0 4 1.01.24 - GAMESTONKS SB S RUZAINI - - S ELLIS Watch
267 17/03/24 K OP T 1400 [lc-A] G 78 470 5 8-9-9 9/10 31 7 ¾ 1:25.03 - KONG FU PANDA SB S RUZAINI 59.0 59 S ELLIS Watch
150 11/02/24 K OP T 1200 [sc-A] G 78 464 4 4-4-3 3/10 24 2 1:10.40 6516 MILITARY FLAG SB R NUQMAN* c1 59.0 59.2 S ELLIS Watch
84 21/01/24 K 3 T 1200 [sc-A] - 74 466 3 5-5-1 1/8 6 - 1:10.81 15600 SKYLIGHT SB R NUQMAN* c1 59.0 58 S ELLIS Watch
1370 24/12/23 K 3 T 1300 [sc-C4] Y 74 476 3 1-1-2 2/10 10 Head 1:18.76 - QUICKEN AWAY SB M LUKMAN* c3 59.0 56 S ELLIS Watch
1304 03/12/23 K 3 T 1200 [sc-A] G 74 485 1 6-6-4 4/10 8 4 1:10.76 - RONALDO'S DREAM SB R NUQMAN* c1 59.0 58.1 S ELLIS Watch
1250 19/11/23 K MAX2 T 1200 [sc-A4] G 66 482 2 2-2-1 1/10 6 - 1:11.07 - BE YOURSELF SB R NUQMAN* c1 59.0 58 S ELLIS Watch
1147 22/10/23 K 4A T 1200 [sc-A] - 60 476 6 6-5-1 1/9 24 - 1:10.94 - QIJI DIAMOND SB R NUQMAN* c1 59.0 58.2 S ELLIS Watch
T2 10/10/23 K - T 1000 G 60 - - - 4/6 0 1 1.00.22 - GOLDEN PEACH - R NUQMAN* c1 - - S ELLIS Watch


V: Venue LBW: Margin From Winning Horse/ Length behind Winner BW - Broken Winded
CL: Class PL: Placing Bleed Once - Bleeder
C. Wt: Carried Weight Rtg: Rating Bleed Twice - Bled 2 Times
Dist: Distance Running Position: Running Position (Last 800-400-Finish) - Respiratory
G: Track Going T: Track
H.Wt: Horse Weight