14th MAY 2017


Panel of Stipendiary Stewards:

Mr Philip Anderson (Acting Chief Stipendiary Steward), Mr. Lee Seng He, Mr. Devaraj Arujunen & Mr. Jarry Chong Kok Heng (Stipendiary Stewards)

RACE 1 (R615) CLASS 5 – 1600m(lc) – HOT EGO HANDICAP

ACOUSTIC, a course scratching as it had sustained sole bruised off fore, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

SERPICO and GOLD COAST CAPTAIN which were up 16kgs and 15kgs in body weight respectively since their last runs, were checked by the Club Veterinary Surgeon prior to the race and were passed fit to start.

The saddle on SEMIFREDDO (Y Aify) slipped back during the running.

GOLD COAST CAPTAIN (J Low) laid out under pressure over the final stages of the race.

When questioned, Jockey HS Gill, the rider of MAYWEATHER and Trainer PK Leong, the Trainer of MAYWEATHER into the poor performance of MAYWEATHER today. Jockey HS Gill stated that his instructions were to be midfield. After getting a good jump, he managed to settle in a midfield position and the gelding was traveling well until the top of the straight. When placed under pressure, the gelding failed to respond to his riding and was disappointing. Upon returning, Jockey HS Gill reported that MAYWEATHER was not striding out freely and was coughing. Trainer PK Leong stated that he was disappointed with the gelding’s performance today and could offer no tangible explanations as to its poor performance. He was advised that if he detects any abnormality with the gelding during the week, he would be expected to report back to the Stewards. Trainer PK Leong was reminded of his obligations under MRA Rule 117(3) regarding ‘in-and-out’ running. A post-race veterinary examination of MAYWEATHER revealed no obvious abnormality. The gelding was impounded.

Stipendiary Stewards’ Report 1
PRTC May Mtg 2017, 1st day, Sunday, 14 May 2017

MAYWEATHER which raced poorly, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

Post-race veterinary examinations of SEMIFREDDO and JETSTAR EAGLE (App S Saddam) revealed no obvious abnormality.

Placing Horse Horse Rider Time Distance
number [length(s)]
1st 5 GOLD COAST CAPTAIN J Low 1.42.6 –
2nd 4 SERPICO TM Wan – ½
3rd 10 GREAT PRINCE App KC Wong – 1 ½
4th 6 LEAP OF FAITH CK Tan – 1 ¼


BERCHAM, which was up 18kgs in body weight since its last run, was checked by the Club Veterinary Surgeon prior to the race and was passed fit to start.

ALLIED MARINE (App J Daniel) was examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and was passed fit to start.

JACKWIN (App SU Lim) jumped away awkwardly.

SOCOTRA (M Yusri) was slow into stride and showed no early pace, despite being urged.

HALO INSPIRE (App S Saddam) laid out under pressure over the concluding stages.

BERCHAM (WK Yan) and SOCOTRA which both raced poorly, will each be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

Post-race veterinary examinations of BERCHAM and SOCOTRA revealed no obvious abnormality. Post-race veterinary examinations of ALLIED MARINE and JACKWIN revealed that both these geldings returned with respiratory distress and as such, they would each be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

When questioned as to why he was unable to improve from the 1000M, Jockey J Low,

the rider of JOYFUL stated that he attempted to improve from the 1000M, however the

gelding had a tendency to lay in, making it difficult for him to improve until entering the

home straight, where he was able to fully test the gelding out. His explanation was noted.

Stipendiary Stewards’ Report 2
PRTC May Mtg 2017, 1st day, Sunday, 14 May 2017

Placing Horse Horse Rider Time Distance
number [length(s)]
1st 3 ROYAL EXPLORER S Salee 1.39.1 –
2nd 5 JOYFUL J Low – Hd
3rd 1 HALO INSPIRE App S Saddam – 3 ¾
4th 6 RED SAPPHIRE App T Krisna – 1 ¼

RACE 3 (R617) CLASS 5 – 1100m(str) – SPEEDY WIND HANDICAP

MASTER OF SUCCESS (App S Saddam) and MR VICTORY (S Salee) both jumped away awkwardly and then bumped shortly after the start.

Post-race veterinary examinations of MASTER OF SUCCESS, ALIEN (J Low) and HERE COMES THUNDER (S Sandana) revealed no obvious abnormality.

The Stewards questioned App AM Aizat, the rider of HENNESSY DRAGON into his ride on the gelding in the presence of his master, Trainer F Maynard and Trainer S Shanmugam, the trainer of HENNESSY DRAGON. Trainer Shanmugam explained that his instructions were to get a good jump, race midfield and improve from the 200M. App AM Aizat stated that he got a good jump, raced midfield and commenced to improve from the 200M. Racing to the 150M, he attempted a run between TRIPLE COIN (App KC Wong) on his outside and GREAT GERONIMO (App J Daniel) on his inside. However, HENNESSY DRAGON laid in onto GREAT GERONIMO and was accidentally struck on the head by the whip of App J Daniel, the rider of GREAT GERONIMO. The Stewards questioned App J Daniel who confirmed that he had accidentally struck the head of HENNESSY DRAGON when using the whip. The Inquiry was adjourned to a date to be fixed.

Placing Horse Horse Rider Time Distance
number [length(s)]
1st 10 MARINI WALTZ J Chuah 1.04.5 –
2nd 3 TRIPLE COIN App KC Wong – 6 ¾
3rd 2 HENNESSY DRAGON App AM Aizat – Hd
4th 5 ABSOLUTE MAVERICK App S Rosmizan – 1 ¾

Stipendiary Stewards’ Report 3
PRTC May Mtg 2017, 1st day, Sunday, 14 May 2017


IKTO (J Low) was slow to begin.

TIME TO SHINE (App S Saddam) jumped away awkwardly outwards, causing BLAZING STEED (CK Tan) to be taken out and bumped MONEY NOT ENOUGH (App CT Lee) outwards.

LEE’S SURPRISE (SS Vanan) jumped away very awkwardly, dipped and bumped UNCLE GLORY (S Anandan). LEE’S SURPRISE continued to race ungenerously in the early stages.

Passing the 600M, LIGHTNING ROD (M Ganeesh) was held up for a run behind LEE’S

SURPRISE and IKTO. LIGHTNING ROD shifted inwards for clear running.

Post-race veterinary examinations of UNCLE GLORY, MAL’S DAD (WK Yan), IKTO and LIGHTNING ROD revealed no obvious abnormality.

Placing Horse Horse Rider Time Distance
number [length(s)]

1st 1 BAZINGA App S Rosmizan 1.06.07 –
2nd 6 HEAVENLY GIFT S Sandana – ¾
3rd 5 BLAZING STEED CK Tan – ½
4th 4 ANAK PENANG L Sofhan – 3 ½


HARRYS PAL, a course scratching as it had sustained a bruised back, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

MAGICAL TALENT (J Low) was slow to begin.

Post-race veterinary examinations of ALL SERENE (App SU Lim) and NEVERUNCONDITIONAL (CK Tan) revealed no obvious abnormality.

Placing Horse Horse Rider Time Distance
number [length(s)]
1st 8 BRAVE MALALA App J Daniel 1.04.4 –
2nd 4 PROFESSOR X S Sandana – ¾
3rd 1 IMPEL App AM Aizat – 1 ¼
4th 9 STREET TEASE J Chuah – ½

Stipendiary Stewards’ Report 4
PRTC May Mtg 2017, 1st day, Sunday, 14 May 2017


KING SAVINSKY, a course scratching as it knocked its near fore tendon, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

The Stewards ordered the withdrawal of NEW CLASSMATE (J Low) at 3.32pm, acting on veterinary advice that the gelding was lame off fore. NEW CLASSMATE will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

DRAGON KNIGHT (M Yusri) and CHARLIE CAME ALONG (S Anandan) were examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and were passed fit to start.

At the start, CHARLIE CAME ALONG stood flat-footed and lost considerable ground and as such, the gelding will be required to pass one starting stall test before being declared to race again.

Passing the 200M, PRINCE ISLANDER (App AM Aizat) shifted in away from the whip and ducked in, crowding CHARLIE CAME ALONG onto the rails which had to be steadied. App AM Aizat was obliged to stop and straighten his mount in this incident.

Jockey S Anandan, the rider of CHARLIE CAME ALONG reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of CHARLIE CAME ALONG revealed no obvious abnormality.

GOOD GIFT (HK Cheng) which raced poorly, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

Post-race veterinary examinations of LUCKY MONEY (App CT Lee) and GOOD GIFT revealed no obvious abnormality.

Placing Horse Horse Rider Time Distance
number [length(s)]
1st 6 ONE MORE ACHIEVER S Sandana 1.26.5 –
2nd 1 ZHAN SHEN WK Yan – ¾
3rd 2 MR NEWMAN S Salee – Nk
4th 12 RACING MAN App S Saddam – 2 ¼

Stipendiary Stewards’ Report 5
PRTC May Mtg 2017, 1st day, Sunday, 14 May 2017


MULTIBLUE TOSCA, a course scratching as it had sustained a cut to its near hind fetlock, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

FINANCIAL WIZARD and AUSPICIOUS STAR which were down 17kgs and 16kgs in body weight respectively since their last runs, were checked by the Club Veterinary Surgeon prior to the race and were passed fit to start.

HANDSOME BOSS (J Low) dipped shortly after the start.

FINANCIAL WIZARD (App KC Wong) hesitated and was slow into stride and shortly thereafter, had to be checked to avoid the heels of BLIXEM (HK Cheng).

Approaching the 1200M, BLIXEM had to be steadied to avoid the heels of CROWN TREASURE (HS Gill) which rolled in slightly.

MACHUNG STAR (Y Aify) raced greenly in the straight, obliging Jockey Y Aify to stop and straighten the gelding on several occasions.

Post-race veterinary examinations of FINANCIAL WIZARD and HANDSOME BOSS revealed no obvious abnormality.

Placing Horse Horse Rider Time Distance
number [length(s)]
1st 1 ELF’S DREAM App T Krisna 1.27.2 –
3rd 8 MACHUNG STAR Y Aify – 1 ½
4th 11 AUSPICIOUS STAR App J Daniel – ½

RACE 8 (R622) CLASS 4 – 1200m(sc) – GOOD SIGHT HANDICAP

V RESPECT U which dislodged App S Saddam whilst enroute to the start, was apprehended, examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon and was passed fit to start.

MOGAN’S PET (S Sandana) had to be steadied to avoid the heels of BIG BIT COIN (SS
Vanan) racing to the 700M when BIG BIT COIN rolled in.

Jockey S Sandana, the rider of MOGAN’S PET and App SU Lim, the rider of WAR

LORD reported that their mounts were not striding out freely. Post-race veterinary examinations of MOGAN’S PET, WAR LORD and CLASSIC KING (CK Tan) revealed no obvious abnormality.

Stipendiary Stewards’ Report 6
PRTC May Mtg 2017, 1st day, Sunday, 14 May 2017

A post-race veterinary examination of CANDY CRUSH (J Chuah) revealed that the gelding had returned broken-winded and as such, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

Placing Horse Horse Rider Time Distance
number [length(s)]
1st 9 GABBAR S Salee 1.13.2 –
2nd 8 V RESPECT U App S Saddam – ¾
3rd 11 AUDACIOUS M Yusri – Hd
4th 12 BIG BIT COIN SS Vanan – Nk

RACE 9 (R623) CLASS 4 – 1200m(sc) – SUN SUPREME HANDICAP

SUPREME STAR and SMOOTHLY, both course scratching as they had sore back and cut to its off fore fetlock respectively, will each be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

Acting on a report from Usains Biomics Laboratory that CELERITAS (App M Sathiaa) had failed its pre-race testing, the Stewards ordered the withdrawal of CELERITAS at 5.27pm. CELERITAS had been impounded. Trainer S Cook was advised that under MRA Rule 134(12), the gelding is barred from starting in any race until clearance is given by the Stipendiary Stewards.

AWAKENED (App AM Aizat) and RUSH (WK Yan) were slow to begin.

CLASSIC ARROW (CK Tan) was slow into stride.

LA QUINTA (App SU Lim) had to be steadied to avoid the heels of GADAWON (App S Rosmizan) which rolled in slightly at the 500M.

Jockey CK Tan, the rider of CLASSIC ARROW reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of CLASSIC ARROW revealed no obvious abnormality.

Post-race veterinary examinations of RUSH, D’GREAT ERA (HS Gill) and LA QUINTA revealed no obvious abnormality.

When questioned regarding the poor performance of WHISPERINTHEWIND, Trainer KL Chong, the trainer of WHISPERINTHEWIND and App J Daniel, the rider of WHISPERINTHEWIND confirmed that the instructions were to ride a forward race. App J Daniel explained that the gelding traveled well until entering the straight and when placed under pressure and ridden under the whip, WHISPERINTHEWIND failed to respond and commenced to weaken quickly. Trainer KL Chong considered that the gelding did not handle the rain-effected track. He was advised that if he detects any abnormality with the gelding during the week, he would be expected to report back to the Stewards. The Stewards noted their explanation.

Stipendiary Stewards’ Report 7
PRTC May Mtg 2017, 1st day, Sunday, 14 May 2017

Placing Horse Horse Rider Time Distance
number [length(s)]
1st 2 GADAWON App S Rosmizan 1.13.1 –
2nd 10 ITS ONLY MONEY J Low – Sh
3rd 1 AWAKENED App AM Aizat – ½
4th 7 KAISER C Goon – 1 ¾


The following horse has undergone corrective surgery at the PRTC Veterinary Hospital between 22/03/2017 to 21/04/2017 and as such, will be subjected to pass a Steward’s

Embargo Test before being declared to race again:-

1) DAHEES (C78) – Tr S Hamilton – arthroscopy left knee – 1000M/Vet



The PRTC reinstated Jockey Y.Aify’s license to ride in races under MRA Rule 48(8)(b).


PRTC – SUNDAY – 14th MAY 2017


Race Horse(s) Finding/Reason Test(s) Remark(s)

1 LUCK HAPPY Bruised off fore fetlock Vet examination

1 KING OF THE CREEK Bruised near fore foot Vet examination

1 EMPEROR QIAN LONG Stone bruised near fore Vet examination

1 KIWI MAESTRO Sore back Vet examination

2 LORD OF SHANGHAI Respiratory infection Vet examination

5 WILD GEESE Lame near fore fetlock 1000m/vet

6 D’GREAT LEGION Respiratory infection Vet examination

6 HAPPY CHOICE Cut left nostril Vet examination

6 MAGIC RANGER Sore back Vet examination

6 SEE FOR YOURSELF Sore back Vet examination

6 WATER PARK Corneal ulcer right eye Vet examination

6 TAVAN BOGD Bruised back Vet examination

6 CASPER Bruised off fore fetlock Vet examination

Stipendiary Stewards’ Report 8
PRTC May Mtg 2017, 1st day, Sunday, 14 May 2017

6 CONQUISTADOR Bruised near fore fetlock Vet examination

7 MULTIBLUE SHARK Sore back Vet examination

7 SECOND CHANCE Cut in the mouth Vet examination

7 CHERISH Respiratory allergy Vet examination

PRTC – SUNDAY – 14th MAY 2017


Race Horse(s) Test(s) Remark(s)

1 ACOUSTIC Vet examination

1 MAYWEATHER 1000m/vet


3 Nil

4 Nil

5 HARRYS PAL Vet examination

6 KING SAVINSKY Vet examination

6 CHARLIE CAME ALONG One starting stall test

6 NEW CLASSMATE & GOOD GIFT 1000m/vet each

7 MULTIBLUE TOSCA Vet examination

8 CANDY CRUSH 1000m/vet

9 SUPREME STAR & SMOOTHLY Vet examination each


Fine (s) Nil

Suspension (s) Nil

Follow-up (s) R3 App AM Aizat (HENNESSY DRAGON)