4th DAY, SUNDAY – 9th JULY 2017


Panel of Stewards:
Y.Bhg. Dato’ John Lim Ewe Chuan – Chairman
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Terry Lee Pang Lay – Racing Steward
Mr Philip Anderson – Senior Stipendiary Steward
Mr. Lee Seng He – Stipendiary Steward
Mr.Devaraj Arujunen – Stipendiary Steward

RACE 1 (R865) CLASS 5 – 1400m (lc) – SINGAPORE SUN 1976 HANDICAP

MAYWEATHER (HS Gill) and BUKIT BINTANG (CK Tan) raced wide from the 800M until entering the straight.

Jockey HS Gill, the rider of MAYWEATHER reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of MAYWEATHER revealed no obvious abnormality. MAYWEATHER which raced poorly, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

The Panel of Stewards questioned Trainer K Coetzee regarding the improved performance of SEE FOR YOURSELF (S Sandana) today. He explained that from a wide barrier, he instructed Jockey S Sandana to get a good jump and go forward and get across to the railings. He further could offer no other tangible explanations for the improved performance, except that it was a weaker field today and SEE FOR YOURSELF got a good race. His explanation was noted and was reminded of his obligations under MRA Rule 117(3) regarding ‘in-and out running.

Post-race veterinary examinations of HIGHLAND FALCON (M Zairi) revealed no obvious abnormality and CLASSIC ARROW (C Goon) revealed that the gelding returned with respiratory distress. As such, CLASSIC ARROW will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

Placing Horse Number Horse Rider Rider Time Distance [Length (s)]
1st 8 SEE FOR YOURSELF S Sandana 1.25.3 1
2nd 1 WENONA’S LEGACY   App KC Wong 1 ¾
3rd 7 JUST VITAL   AppAM Aizat Nk
4th 5 GOLDHILL PRINCESS  G Pereira 2 ¾

RACE 2 (R866) CLASS 5 –1400m (lc) – BELLUS DOMINA 1981 HANDICAP

DEPUTY LAW, a course scratching as it had sustained a bruised near fore heel, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

Trainer KP Hoy was fined RM250/- under Clause 13(b) of the PRTC official programme for presenting ZHAN SHEN late to the Holding Yard.

ZHAN SHEN (SU Lim) was examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and was passed fit to start.

Racing to the 800M, GO LANCE (G Pereira) rolled out, resulting in SING ENERGY (HS Gill) being taken out and bumping APROBACION (App CK Khaw), which was taken wider.

Over the concluding 200M, SING ENERGY laid out and away from the whip, taking APROBACION wider on the track. Jockey HS Gill, the rider of SING ENERGY was shown the vision of the race and advised that he must stop and straighten his mount under similar circumstances in future.

Jockey S Anandan, the rider of HOME RUN HERO reported that his mount was making respiratory noises. A post-race veterinary examination of HOME RUN HERO revealed that the gelding had returned broken-winded and as such, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

Placing/Horse number/Horse/Rider/Time/Distance [length(s)]
1st/1/SING ENERGY/HS Gill/1.26.0 –
2nd/4/APROBACION/App CK Khaw//- Hd
3rd/2/ZHAN SHEN/SU Lim//- 3 ½
4th/5/HOME RUN HERO/S Anandan//- Sh

RACE 3 (R867) OPEN MAIDEN – 2000m (lc) – PAPA’S LOVE 1983 STAKES

ECLIPSE FORCE, a course scratching as it had sustained nail bind of both fore foot, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

GOLDEN EMPIRE (App M Sathiaa) was examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and was passed fit to start.

GOLDEN EMPIRE reared as the gates were released and was slow to begin.

BLACK THORN (D Chong) jumped away awkwardly and outwards.

At the conclusion of an Inquiry, Jockey TM Wan, the rider of SUPREME STAR pleaded guilty to a charge for careless riding under MRA Rule 44(9)(a)(ii) in that 100M after the start, he allowed his mount to shift in when insufficiently clear of ARCHAEOLOGY (S Anandan) which had to be checked and as a consequence, ARCHAEOLOGY shifted in and bumped HANDSOME BOSS (App S Saddam).

In assessing the penalty, the Panel of Stewards took into consideration Jockey TM Wan’s guilty plea, disciplinary record and mitigating factors. Jockey TM Wan was suspended from riding in races for a period of two (2) Malaysian race days, effective from Monday, 10th July 2017 and to expire on Sunday, 23rd July 2017, both dates inclusive. He was advised of his right of appeal (3.15pm).

Post-race veterinary examinations of ARCHAEOLOGY and CENTURY WORLD (J Chuah) revealed no obvious abnormality and AUGUSTA (G Pereira) returned broken-winded. As such, AUGUSTA will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that MAGICAL BANKER (App W Faizal) had bled and as such, the gelding will be barred from racing for a period of three (3) months under MRA Rule 92(3)(a)&(b) and thereafter, passed a bleeder’s test before being declared to race again.

CENTURY WORLD returned having cast its off hind plate.

Placing Horse number Horse Rider Time Distance [length(s)]
1st 5 SUPREME STAR TM Wan 1.11.3 –
2nd 1 MAGICAL BANKER App W Faizal – 5 ¾
3rd 3 GOLDEN EMPIRE App M Sathiaa – Hd
4th 9 HANDSOME BOSS App S Saddam – 1 ¼

RACE 4 (R868) CLASS 4 – 1200m(lc) – GENERAL TRONG III 1973 HANDICAP

ALL SERENE, a course scratching as it had sustained a bruised off fore sole, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

Shortly after the start, MARINI WALTZ (J Chuah) shifted out, resulting in KUANTAN HILL (F Yap) having to steady and lose its position.

Approaching the 1000M, MARINI WALTZ had to be steadied when racing in tight room to the inside of CLIP THE TICKET (SU Lim).

IN FULL BLOOM (App KC Wong) rolled in racing to the 900M, resulting in IDYLLIC SCENERY (HS Gill) having to be steadied.

V RESPECT U (M Yusri) raced wide from the 800M until entering the straight

Approaching the 300M, KUANTAN HILL had to be steadied to avoid the heels of ITS ONLY MONEY (App AK Lim) and shifted out for clear running.

Approaching the 200M, ITS ONLY MONEY had to be steadied to avoid the heels of CLIP THE TICKET and shifted out to obtain a clear running.

Jockeys S Sandana, J Chuah and App KC Wong, the riders of SATELLITE GENIUS, MARINI WALTZ and IN FULL BLOOM respectively, reported that their mounts were not striding out freely. Post-race veterinary examinations of SATELLITE GENIUS, MARINI WALTZ and IN FULL BLOOM revealed no obvious abnormality.

A post-race veterinary examination of IDYLLIC SCENERY revealed no obvious abnormality.

Placing Horse number Horse Rider Time Distance [length(s)]
1st 3 KUANTAN HILL F Yap 1.11.7 –
2nd 5 ITS ONLY MONEY App AK Lim – Hd
3rd 4 CLIP THE TICKET SU Lim – ½
4th 8 I’M A GENIUS S Anandan – 3

RACE 5 (R869) CLASS 4 – 1800m (sc) – ACHILLES II 1972 HANDICAP

GLORY AGE (G Pereira) and CARBON COPY (App KC Wong) were examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and were passed fit to start.

GOLD COAST CAPTAIN (App KC Tham) jumped away awkwardly and was slow into stride.

Approaching the 1600M, CARBON COPY and FAST RICH (S Sandana) brushed on several occasions.

Passing the 1600M, MEGUSTO (SU Lim) had to be steadied to avoid the heels of FLIGHT OFTHE SAKER (App AM Aizat) which rolled in.

A post-race veterinary examination of GLORY AGE revealed no obvious abnormality. As BERCHAM (App S Saddam) was unable to be scoped by the Club Veterinary Surgeon, the gelding will be scoped at a later date and a veterinary report will follow.

Placing Horse number Horse Rider Time Distance [length(s)]
1st 4 SUNNY App AK Lim 1.52.9 –
2nd 5 BLOSSOMS SEQUEL App CK Khaw – 2 ¼
3rd 2 FAST RICH S Sandana – 1
4th 7 CARBON COPY App KC Wong – ¾

RACE 6 (R870) CLASS 5 – 1000m(sc) – NAPOLEON SOLO II 1974 HANDICAP

HEAVENLY GIFT (S Anandan) jumped away awkwardly and outwards, taking MULTIBLUE TOSCA (F Yap) wider, resulting in both horses being slow into stride.

D’GREAT VULTURE (HS Gill) jumped away awkwardly and had to be steadied at about the 800M when racing greenly.

Racing to the 600M, D’GREAT VULTURE which was over-racing, hung out, taking HEAVENLY GIFT wider on the track and as a consequence, MULTIBLUE TOSCA was also taken wider.

The saddle on EXPLOSIVE FORCE (App AK Lim) slipped backward during the running.

Jockey S Anandan, the rider of HEAVENLY GIFT reported that his mount was not striding out freely. A post-race veterinary examination of HEAVENLY GIFT revealed no obvious abnormality.

Post-race veterinary examinations of FLYING NEKO (S Muniandy) and EXPLOSIVE FORCE revealed that both these horses returned broken-winded and as such, they will each be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again. FLYING NEKO returned having cast its off hind plate.

The Panel of Stewards questioned Jockey F Yap, the rider of MULTIBLUE TOSCA into that gelding’s poor performance today. He stated that the horse was taken wider on the jump and forced wide again at about the 800M and raced very greenly throughout the race. When he placed MULTIBLUE TOSCA under pressure in the final 300M, the gelding responded only fairly. His explanation was noted.

A post-race veterinary examination of MULTIBLUE TOSCA revealed no obvious abnormality.

Placing Horse number Horse Rider Time Distance [length(s)]
1st 5 MR EPIC App AM Aizat 0.58.3 –
2nd 3 TILSWORTH MALI SU Lim – 2 ¾
3rd 9 DRAGON WALK App CK Khaw – 2 ½
4th 4 DEKATI S Sandana – Sh

RACE 7 (R871) CLASS 5 – 1000m (sc) – MARIBEAU 1975 HANDICAP

COVER MAN (S Anandan) was slow to begin.

After jumping with the field, FATKID WONDERER veered in abruptly and dislodged App CK Khaw. He was exempted from weighing-in and was stood down by the Club Medical Officer.

Approaching the 600M, FATKID WONDERER, the riderless horse, shifted out, resulting in FLYING DARCI (D Chong) having to shift out wide to avoid it.

JOHNNY’S CAFÉ (S Sandana) raced wide from the 600M until entering the straight.

Racing to the 200M, the riderless FATKID WONDERER shifted in, resulting in Q NINE MAC (HS Gill) having to check and as a consequence, HERE COMES THUNDER (C Goon) had to be steadied to avoid FATKID WONDERER.

FATKID WONDERER is suspended from racing for a period of one (1) month and will be required to pass two (2) starting stall tests at weekly intervals after the one-month embargo.

Jockeys SU Lim, D Chong and S Anandan, the riders of GOOD VIBRATIONS, FLYING DARCI and COVER MAN respectively, reported that their mounts were not striding out freely. Post-race veterinary examinations of GOOD VIBRATIONS, FLYING DARCI and BLAZING STEED (CK Tan) revealed no obvious abnormality.

A post-race veterinary examination of COVER MAN revealed that the gelding had returned broken-winded and as such, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

Placing Horse number Horse Rider Time Distance [length(s)]
1st 8 JOHNNY’S CAFE S Sandana 0.59.7 –
2nd 6 Q NINE MAC HS Gill – 1
4th 11 SUPER VICTORY WK Yan – 3 ¾

RACE 8 (R872) ENRICH STAKES A – 1400m(sc) – HAWAII II 1971 STAKES

LA FAMILIA, a course scratching as it had injured its poll, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

The Panel of Stewards permitted App AK Lim to replace App CK Khaw as the rider of HARRYS PAL.

GREAT SCOTT (CK Tan) was examined by the Club Veterinary Surgeon behind the barriers and was passed fit to start.

The race was run in steady rain.

Shortly after the start, THE OMEGA MAN (G Pereira) had to be checked to avoid the heels of ROYAL GREEN (HS Gill).

LUCK SUCCESS (SU Lim) had to be steadied to avoid to heels of US DOLLAR (App AM Aizat) when racing to the 1200M.

Racing to the 200M, BALOTELLI (App S Saddam) laid out under the whip, tightening STREET TEASE (J Chuah) onto BLACK AND WHITE (S Sandana), which was taken wide. App S Saddam, the rider of BALOTELLI was shown the vision and warned to exercise more care when shifting ground in future.

All riders returned an average of 1.5kg over.

A post-race veterinary examination of LUCK SUCCESS revealed no obvious abnormality. As BALOTELLI was unable to be scoped by the Club Veterinary Surgeon, the gelding will be scoped at a later date and a veterinary report will follow.

Placing Horse number Horse Rider Time Distance [length(s)]
1st 4 STAR QUALITY App KC Wong 1.25.0 –
2nd 13 STREET TEASE J Chuah – 4
3rd 1 BLACK AND WHITE S Sandana – 1 ¾
4th 9 ROYAL GREEN HS Gill – 1


RACE 2 (R842) CLASS 5 –1200m(lc) – SOVEREIGN 1954 HANDICAP
2nd DAY, SUNDAY, 2nd JULY 2017 –

The Panel of Stewards questioned Jockey M Yusri, the rider of DEPUTY LAW in the above race today, Sunday, 9th July 2017.

Jockey M Yusri explained that his instructions were to be midfield, but the gelding showed no early pace and got back in the race. He stated that he commenced to improve from the 600M until entering the straight. DEPUTY LAW laid out when ridden under the whip and failed to respond to his riding and finished the race off poorly. Jockey M Yusri was advised that he must ride all his mounts in a manner so as to leave no room for query.

RACE 7 (R863) CLASS 4 – 1200m (sc) – CAMBERLY 1982 HANDICAP
3rd DAY, SATURDAY, 8th JULY 2017

The Panel of Stewards concluded an Inquiry into the riding of CLASSIC KING of the above race today, Sunday, 9th July 2017.

Trainer Peter Lee, the trainer of CLASSIC KING stated that his instructions were to lead or be handy. App CK Khaw, the rider of CLASSIC KING in the presence of his master Trainer R Lines, explained that he understood the instructions and in the jump, he was bumped. App CK Khaw was unable to keep his position when crossed by MR DREYFUSS (App AM Aizat) at about the 1100M and as a consequence, was unable to be more forward.

After considering all the evidence, the Panel of Stewards took no further action.


PRTC – SUNDAY – 9th JULY 2017

Race Horse(s) Finding/Reason Test(s) Remark(s)
1 GERMAN SPEED Seedy toe off fore foot Vet examination
2 MACHUNG STAR Greasy heels both fore Vet examination
2 HUSSAR Sore off fore fetlock Vet examination
2 RISE UP THE RANK Bruised near hind hock Vet examination
2 BLACK IS POWER Sore back Vet examination
4 GOLDEN DRAGON Bruised back Vet examination
4 WHIRLWIND Bruised off fore cannon Vet examination
6 SANDY MIGHT Bruised near fore foot Vet examination
6 MAGICAL TEN Bruised off fore sole Vet examination
8 D’GREAT CONQUEROR Bruised near fore foot Vet examination
8 BRAVE MALALA Bruised near fore sole Vet examination

Change of Rider(s):
Race Horse Rider Replaced By Reason
8 HARRYS PAL App CK Khaw App AK Lim Medical

PRTC – SUNDAY – 9th JULY 2017

Race Horse(s) Test(s) Remark(s)
2 DEPUTY LAW Vet examination
2 HOME RUN HERO 1000M/vet
3 ECLIPSE FORCE Vet examination
3 AUGUSTA 1000M/vet
3 MAGICAL BANKER Bleeder’s test (barred 3 months)
4 ALL SERENE Vet examination
5 Nil
7 FATKID WONDERER 2 starting stall tests (at weekly intervals) Suspended from racing for one month.
7 COVER MAN 1000M/vet
Vet examination
8 Nil

Fine (s) R2 Trainer KP Hoy (ZHAN SHEN) – fined RM250/- under Clause 13(b) of the PRTC official programme.

Suspension (s) R3 Jockey TM Wan (SUPREME STAR) – two Malaysian race days for careless riding under MRA Rule 44(9)(a)(ii).

Follow-up (s) R5 BERCHAM – post-race veterinary examination.
R8 BALOTELLI – post-race veterinary examination.